Neugebauer: Republicans Will Support A “Reasonable” Bill

A week ago on KFYO, Congressman Randy Neugebauer predicted there would be a compromise regarding the Bush tax cuts, and that happened, but Republicans say the Democrats are adding pork to the compromise. 

On Monday’s edition of Lubbock’s First News ,  Neugebauer talked about the Republicans’ options.

“If they bring us a reasonable bill, we’ll support that,” Neugebauer said.  ” If they don’t, then we won’t.  And so the very first order of business January 5th or 6th of next year is for Republicans, if they decide not to support whatever final version that we’re given to look at, then we would bring a package more like the agreement that was originally reached with the President.”

Neugebauer  is for a permanent extension of the Bush tax cuts but he says he would support a 2 or 3 year extension.