Lubbock County Comissioners Canvass Votes In Wednesday Meeting

In a special meeting today, Lubbock County Commissioners canvassed County voting totals from the November 2nd general election.

3 Commissioner Gilbert Flores discussed the improvements made in voting procedures countywide.

“The commissioners are obligated by statute to approve, or what we call canvass, the votes and go through whatever the election officials present us. The bottom line is to just approve the election it’s self.  We had the privilege of doing that today at our 10:00 meeting. We have gotten a lot of good, very positive feedback from the community especially from voters, and somewhat all other elected officials that ran, how convenient it was to vote now. How you don’t have to go to your elected box or your precinct box, you could just about stop anywhere and vote. ”

Flores said he received minimal complaints about voting in his precinct.